Bless this Love story...
by Denise Lucille on 08/03/17
Love story
I've always believed that there are many love stories throughout our lifetime. They can be romantic; between friends; siblings; between a child and parent or a pet and their owner. Some of those love stories are more spiritually impactful than others. After hearing the Carrie Fischer/Debbie Reynolds love story and Debbie's calm, rational, spiritual exit from her elderly body, in response to her desire to be with her daughter's new heavenly energy, I was amazed at just how powerful love is between life and death. I don't believe willing our death from the physical is the answer to all who lose a great
Love, like that of a child, which is clearly the most painful of all losses, but more the acknowledgment that love stories are powerful beyond the physical and come in all shapes and sizes. The understanding that this love bond between a parent and child is one of the most profound love stories on our journey is an understatement, sometimes as the Fischer/Reynolds story confirms, even more powerful than a romantic relationship for some.
I don't typically make "New Years resolutions" but this story inspired me to use this year to focus on my love stories with God, myself, Jerry, my daughters, my friends and family, my puppies, and other loving relationships around me to enrich and deepen the love energy of each of them. I know this starts with an acknowledgment that I have many love stories in motion and that my own loving relationship with myself and God is the catalyst by which all the other love stories will thrive! May your new year be filled with beautiful love stories!
Happy New Year! Denise Lucille