Blessing the uninvited houseguest
by Denise Lucille on 08/03/17
When someone announces they have cancer, typically there are internal and external questions by others like "did they eat the "wrong" foods; did they smoke; not exercise enough; not use enough sunscreen; not take the proper nutritional supplements or not eat the right foods; or have a family history?"
In my case, the answer to all of those questions is yes, and I wouldn't have missed any of those experiences I engaged in for the world!
Many of my most joyful memories are around these so called "carcinogens" while spending time laughing and breaking bread with my friends and family. ??
Delving deeper into the meaning of this diagnosis, my daughter had the same pathology/type and diagnosis at 19 years old and would have answered "no" to most of the questions above. That said why does cancer pay some of us a visit? I believe it's to teach us about fear. For some it's responded to as the uninvited houseguest who attempts to shake us down and steal our joy for a moment; while for others it's the same uninvited houseguest holding us hostage with fear and stealing our joy forever; But for some of us it's an opportunity to understand the mind's influence over the physical body and then probe to find the value in the uninvited guests' visit. Then to make a plan going forward to gain the wisdom and strength from it. I have chosen the later approach of the three. Utilizing spiritual tools, prayers, love and laughter, combined with western medicine solutions to focus on the cure, not the disease, seems like a good plan.
If cancer was treated less like a battle to fight; and we took a moment to let the fear, grief and anger pass through and out of the body's energy system and then began a personal dialogue with the uninvited houseguest with newly generated thoughts of hope, faith, patience and kindness, imagine the powerful shift inside of us that could occur as we being to move toward healing. We could sit down with the uninvited guest and invite the wisdom from the spiritual lessons it brings to us instead of dwelling in guilt and fear energy where I know healing cannot occur.
Even if at some point, physical life is not sustained because of the uninvited houseguest's visit, either quickly or many years down the road, wouldn't our time here be better spent in a state of calm, hope and faith energy than in a state of fear, sadness, and despair? Mom taught us this lesson in her last years. Never have we laughed so much in our lives than in those years after her uninvited houseguest's visit. When she left her body, we made a conscious decision to not put any language in her obit that indicated that she lost a battle. She had cancer and then left her body to move on to greener pastures. Yes, it was a great loss for us, but I believe she won on her journey because of her role modeling of strength and humor in response to her uninvited houseguest to her granddaughter, who had her own uninvited houseguest at the same time, and to all of us going forward.
Typically I don't like to post negative information or put a flashlight on things that make people sad or uncomfortable, but I wanted to speak my truth in an open forum instead of allowing the grapevine to run with it and risk misinformation with my personal journey. This is not to minimize others response to their own uninvited house guest, but to put my truth out there. That said, my uninvited guest is teaching me plenty and I feel blessed to have had the screenings that caught it; blessed to have a beautiful daughter who had her own visit by an uninvited houseguest and who is guiding me with mine to sit with it, gain the wisdom and send it packing; and feel blessed, yet again, with my job at Duke for a world renown endocrine surgeon and an endocrinologist I recruited this year who specializes in thyroid cancer. So, going forward in the spirit of Christine Murray's famous line in the last years of her awesome life, "who needs a man anyway?" I say this! "Who needs a thyroid anyway?" (Jerry wins??)
I am confident I will gain more than I will lose from this journey and have been given an excellent prognosis from my physicians.
I will not speak often of the uninvited guest, but instead roll up my sleeves and get to work to learn and grow from the spiritual lessons it teaches me, while doing God's work, with no regrets and an open grateful heart. More than anything, I hope others who have had or currently have an uninvited houseguest can find hope in this message. Denise Lucille ??