#Releasethebeast - The recent sexual assault allegations
by Denise Lucille on 12/03/17
As I witness the recent celebrities and politicians being exposed for sexual improprieties, assault and rape, it brings me great sadness. But this recent news also brings me relief for the victims. The fact is, sexual abuse and assault ignored can manifest anxiety, agony, self loathing, mental illness, promiscuity, fear, addiction, and even sexual predatory behavior in its innocent victims. For the accusers who are genuine in their choice to disclose and step forward as a form of release and healing, this is a blessing. For the accusers who are disingenuous, this is merely a byproduct of raising awareness to something negative that deserves justice. There will always be those whose intentions are not pure in every group, even victim groups, and I believe the energy of dishonesty has a way of ricocheting back to the perpetrator, which is evidenced by this whole #metoo campaign.
Some believe the offenses vary is seriousness from those who made sexual advances toward their colleagues to those who raped and sexually assaulted their victims. The only thing that needs to be considered, is the true effect the perpetrator’s action left on the soul of the victim.
The real issue at the root of this whole mess, is the fact that otherwise talented, powerful, intelligent men could be so enamored by their fame and power that they choose to abuse this power to sexually assault or force themselves upon another.
I like to think a man who has a great career; power and material success; the resources to deal with day to day struggles; loving mothers, sisters and sometimes daughters, sons and wives; would lack the common sense, insight and moral compass to not act so irresponsibly impulsive and choose to injure another person’s spirit, body and soul for something as superficial and fleeting as momentary sexual arrousal.
They clearly have some deep seated belief they are entitled to hurt and destroy another’s spirit for their own sexual gratification. This feeling of entitlement is prevalent amongst the famous and the powerful which seems to often come with politics and fame. This is not to suggest all men in power possess this entitlement. I know many powerful men who do not abuse their power this way.
Also, this sick abuse is not isolated to just the famous, it affects families, religious groups, and schools. The bigger question we need to ask is how anyone can choose to abuse their power by robbing another’s trust and innocence for sexual gratification.
Unfortunately, I’m afraid some of these men have probably encountered sexual abuse themselves and never resolved or released their own beast which manifested this predatory behavior toward others. While others are purely abusing their power by holding woman and/or children hostage for their own sexual gratification. We may never know who is who here, but one thing I know for sure, is when a person is violated sexually, regardless of the offender profile, they are scarred for life. The only way to minimize and/or heal the scarring from sexual abuse is to find a safe place to speak the truth and learn spiritual and emotional strategies to move past it. To bury, ignore and deny sexual abuse, is how behaviors like addiction, anxiety and risk for becoming a sexual predator exists.
Once the beast of sexual abuse is released from the soul, it may circle the person for some time attempting to regain control searching for the food of guilt and shame to sustain its strength to overpower its victim; but eventually with spiritual and emotional guidance, the beast will grow weary from not being fed the feelings of guilt and shame and starve and die off allowing the victim to heal.
On the other hand, if the same beast is left caged in denial to fester in someone’s soul being fed by shame, denial and guilt it will grow and take over and destroy the victim’s body, mind and spirit. This is why the #metoo campaign was an important forum to begin the process toward helping victims #releasethebeast of abuse.
I’m glad these men are being exposed for their choices that have resulted in hurting innocent victims and I pray for those who turned their caged beast on another due to not having a safe resource to release their beast.
There is no excuse for this behavior, and these men need to be exposed and held accountable and stopped.
But we must do better as a society to stop the cycle where we can, and to become a safe resource to help others release their beast so that we don’t run the risk of continuing this sick, violent cycle of abuse, shame and denial. Denise Lucille