The Millennial Woman - An energy perspective
by Denise Lucille on 03/14/17
As a woman in the millennial age, I’ve had 6 decades to observe and
be part of the female collective consciousness. Also, having been raised
in a single female mother home with sisters, aunts and grandmothers,
girlfriends, and now daughters, I understand many of the dynamics of the
female experience.
I have observed women over time who express
anger and outrage over politics and inequality issues and I have also
observed women who express intelligent and spiritual thought and
processes to deal with these and other complex issues.
Of the two, I
find the calm, spiritual, dignified woman who bridges the gap of her
feminine/masculine energy with a strong sense of self, as the winner.
I grew up in 1960-70’s around many strong women who lead the way with
balanced energy including my own mother's resilient, victimless energy.
In the 1980’s the Madonna culture grew and it attracted a strong
following of women who lead with their sexual energy. In my opinion, I
think these women, seem to have placed a negative energy chip on the
female gender's shoulders to carry. Many of these women lead with their
hyper sexualized energy sometimes combined with anger energy.
in history there were also women who lead with their strong calm,
nurturing energy which is evident in some great women role models like
Rosa Parks, Princess Diana, Mother Teresa, Anne Frank, Helen Keller,
Maya Angelou, and Audrey Hepburn to name a few.
As a woman watching
how women use their energy to create meaningful change for other women,
I believe leading any action with anger and hyper sexuality prevents
women from being taken seriously and is problematic when the attempt is
to be part of a movement to make intelligent, meaningful change.
course there’s a time and place for anger (which is a natural emotion)
but I’ve seen little value in public displays of anger with regard to
women, or men for that matter, when attempting to deliver a message or
be taken seriously. I do not judge the women who display anger and hyper
sexual behaviors since I'm aware their behavior could be rooted in a
reaction to being physically violated in the past and this is the way
some people move through this sort of pain and suffering.
I’m only
suggesting that the woman leaders who have the greatest influence on
women's lives are the women who are aligned with and have surrendered to
the physical identification to their feminine energy and are able to
balance it with their masculine energy, and not feel victimized by it. I
believe That these are the women who lead with gentle strength to guide
others to create meaningful change for all people.
I understand
that many women make judgments in their youth to gain acceptance and
attention by using anger or hyper sexual behaviors that they believe
will elevate them at the time, but often they mature and learn a better
way as they grow older and more spiritual.
I have concluded that the
woman who uses her mind and spirit to arouse another's curiosity,
intellect and spirituality, is far more powerful than the woman who uses
her sexuality to arouse another's ego and physical desires.
I have
also found that women who see men as their equal and not their enemy or
victim, is of the most value to guide other women.